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Elizabeth doing acupuncture

My Story

“I often get asked how I became involved with acupuncture and Chinese medicine so I thought I would share my story. I grew up in a small town where very little “alternative medicine” is practiced and had never even heard of acupuncture growing up. I was a very sick child and suffered from severe asthma and allergies to everything. It was normal for me to have anywhere from 6-8 asthma attacks a day. I was put on steroids most of my life to control the asthma but would often end up in the hospital. Many children as they grow will “grow out” of their asthma or allergies but unfortunately it seemed mine were only getting worse. It was when I went away to college that I found acupuncture and Chinese herbs and within a short period of time it had completely change my life. I remember going 3 weeks without an asthma attack which was truly a miracle for me. After that I have since change my diet and lifestyle and continue to get acupuncture and Chinese herbs as needed. Now my asthma is very much under control and I have NO allergies. I am able to exercise and enjoy my life to the fullest. When I saw how much acupuncture and Chinese medicine changed my life, I knew that this is what I wanted to do. Now today I am blessed to be able to help other people and show them how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can benefit them.”

Make an Appointment

Elizabeth Girard, DACM, L.Ac.          Tim Kroll, MS, L.Ac.        Melanie Pepper, MS, L.Ac.

243 King St.
Suite 247

Northampton, MA 01060
(Located within the Potpourri Plaza)

Whole Body Healing is Western Massachusetts' leading Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinic serving Northampton, Springfield and the Pioneer Valley.