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Coronavirus Resources

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*New video explaining Acupressure and its benefits

*This is a video I created for family, friends and patients alike for some pain relief options at home. More videos coming soon...
(visit our YouTube channel: )

Quick links to Lhasa OMS Products (from video):
CBD cream (
Tiger Balm (
Herbal Patches (
TDP infrared lamp (
Cupping set (
Magnets and Seeds (

Make an Appointment

Elizabeth Girard, DACM, L.Ac.          Tim Kroll, MS, L.Ac.        Melanie Pepper, MS, L.Ac.

243 King St.
Suite 247

Northampton, MA 01060
(Located within the Potpourri Plaza)

Whole Body Healing is Western Massachusetts' leading Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Clinic serving Northampton, Springfield and the Pioneer Valley.